The Coronavirus is affecting us all right now. It’s a strange time adapting to this new “normal”. We are lucky enough for our business to be running as usual!
All meetings can be held via phone call or video call, absolutely no contact is necessary!
Stay safe and stay home! Protect the NHS.
Only go out for essentials such as the grocery shop.
Only ONE hour of exercise a day close to your home to reduce the risk of exposing yourself and your family to more people.
WASH YOUR HANDS – keep washing your hands throughout the day and every time you enter the house.
Use hand sanitizer where washing your hands is not available.
DO NOT touch your face.
BE PREPARED!! IF the worst was to happen and you were to catch the virus, would you be happy with no will or an outdated will? If not, click here to apply for a free consultation. By doing this you are then able to download our book free of charge which is helpful for getting your affairs in order, it is not a valid will, however would be incredibly helpful to your loved ones if you were to die suddenly.
If you’d rather just buy a hard copy and not apply for a consultation, the book is also available to purchase on Amazon, just click HERE.
For more information and to find out how we can help, click Apply Today!
“It’s never too early – but it’s often too late!!!”